Faces of Neurodiversity is a movement towards understanding, acceptance, and appreciation of all neurodivergent minds that make our world a truly fascinating place. Meet Neely Kimey 🪩 of Weird + Wired! From a first ADHD diagnosis as a teen via detours to guiding...
Huh?? Trots op mijn dyslexie?! Echt niet! A.s zaterdagmiddag online bijeenkomst volwassenen met dyslexie ‘Hoezo kan ik trots zijn op mijn dyslectisch brein?! Het is alleen maar ellende!’ Maar ken je al je krachten al? En de positieve dingen die aan jouw dyslexie...
Contrary to popular perception, not all autistic people think in pictures. Mariia Pukhlii is the Ukrainian translator of popular fantasties ranging from The Name of the Wind to Dark Rise and an autistic who pictures the world in words. This talk is a reflection on how...